
The History and Mission of the Council on Chiropractic Practice

In July 1995, the Council on Chiropractic Practice (CCP) was established with the mission of “developing evidence-based guidelines, conducting research and performing other functions that will enhance the practice of chiropractic for the benefit of the consumer.”

It is an apolitical, non-profit organization, and is not affiliated with the ACA, ICA, WCA, FSCO, COCSA, FCLB, or any state association.  Instead, is was founded as a grass roots group to produce practice guidelines which serve the needs of the consumer, and are consistent with “real world” chiropractic practice.

One of the most serious criticisms of previous guidelines efforts has been that they were dominated by members of the academic and research community. Input from the field was minimal.  

The CCP’s goal was to develop practice guidelines with the active participation of field doctors, consultants, seminar leaders, and technique experts. In addition, the Council strove to utilize the services of interdisciplinary experts in The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) guidelines development, research design, literature, law, clinical assessment, and clinical chiropractic.

In harmony with these general principles, the CCP created a multidisciplinary panel, supported by staff, and led by a project coordinator and methodologist, who served as a consultant. The first endeavor of the panel was to analyze available scientific evidence revolving around a model which depicts the safest and most efficacious delivery of chiropractic care to the consumer.

The guidelines were developed to protect the right of any patient — including children and asymptomatic patients — to obtain subluxation-based chiropractic.

Evidence based guidelines were also needed to protect the ability of D.C.s to use analytical and diagnostic procedures necessary to characterize the vertebral subluxation and its effects. Parameters for corrective procedures were based upon objective evidence of subluxation correction, not merely temporary symptomatic relief.

“The biases and opinions of a self selected mutual admiration society should not prevail over the evidence, including clinical results, of the past 100 years,” said Christopher Kent, D.C., CCP president. “We welcome written or oral evidence from any interested chiropractor. This includes case reports and observational studies as well as controlled studies. Our objective is to empower field doctors with information that will enhance their effectiveness. We are not here to tell anyone how to practice, or subjugate their clinical judgment.”

“Chiropractic’s contribution to 21st century health care could be immeasurable,” continued Kent. “I see a glorious future, where lifetime chiropractic care is available to all, and chiropractic becomes the dominant paradigm in health care delivery. We invite you to share the vision, and join us in this historic event.”